Thursday 14 March 2013

Barry M Textured Nail Paints

Hi guys, 

Today i wanted to post about the new Barry M textured nail paints. Textured nail polish is becoming increasingly popular right now. These particular ones were released in the UK on the 13th of February and i ran straight out to get some, unfortunately everyone else seemed to have the same idea so i could only pick up one. That one being Ridley Road, luckily if i could have only picked one it would have been that one so i was happy regardless.

Ridley road is a bright minty green and the colour is stunning. When i have it on my nails i find it catching my eye so often.

I took all these pictures in different lighting to attempt to show the full effect. The textured finish is not rough like expected, its actually quite soft and appealing to touch. 
I found this easy to apply, it was opaque after two coats. I did find that although the effect is there when it dries, the full effect really does not appear until after about 20 minutes. 

I did find that the polish seems to get dirty easily, things like makeup for example will stain it. I found its staying power pretty good, although i do tend to change up my polish every 2 - 3 days so people who leave their polish on longer than that may think differently. 

These are £3.99 in shops, which i think is a great price compared to some of the prices of the high end versions of polishes similar to this. I will definitely be going to purchase the rest and be wearing them right through spring. Barry M is by far my favourite drug store nail polish brand, and i think they are definitely worth the money. 

Talk soon, Shannon xx

First Post

Hi Everyone! 

Thought I should use my first post just to introduce myself, My names Shannon and I am from Edinburgh.

I have been a big lover of the beauty and fashion community for years, I follow many blogs and youtubers and have always aspired to start my own blog. So I figured now is as good a time as ever to bite the bullet and give it a shot! 

I will mainly post on fashion and makeup. I am excited to get started. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

        Shannon xx